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Transmission Lines (Coax/Ladder Line)

Presenter: Kevin ScotK4GTR

Forum Description: Kevin was first licensed at the age of 15 in 1975 as a Novice with the callsign, WN4BNU.  By 16, he took the General and Advanced tests on the same day and was upgraded to WB4BNU.  He upgraded to Extra when the code requirement was dropped (could not get past 18 WPM) and changed his callsign to K4GTR.  At 18, he also earned his commercial First Class Radiotelephone License and became the chief engineer of WSUZ AM, Palatka, FL, and later moved to WIYD AM/FM, also in Palatka.  Ham Radio was responsible for pursuing a career in Electrical Engineering, graduating with a BSEE in 1983 from The University of Florida (thus the K4GTR, “Gator” call).  Since graduation, he has been involved in both manufacturing and design of RF products such as pagers (Motorola), Cellphones (Panasonic), RF connectors and cables (Spinner GmbH), IoT transceiver modules (Nivis), Wi-Fi modems (ARRIS) and now cable TV RF amplifiers (ATX).  Kevin was a leader in the Scouting program for 45 years and is an Eagle Scout and Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow.  He taught Radio Merit Badge at many summer camp years and set up various Scout camping trips to get the youth interested in Amateur Radio.  He enjoys mountain-topping on VHF & UHF, building antennas, WSPR DXing, and rag-chewing on HF.

Forum Description:  To communicate on amateur radio, you must have a good transmission line to both send and receive successfully.  Choosing the right cable type for the job and band is critical to achieving successful contact and, of course, choosing the right type of antenna.  Antenna matching is all important as well.  Coax (unbalanced) vs Ladder Line (balanced), BALUN, UNUN, matching networks/antenna tuners, cost vs performance vs value, and more will be covered in this seminar.   Doing your homework for your transmission line purchase will save you time, money, and aggravation; plus you will have a quicker path to doing what you want done with this hobby….Get On The Air!!!


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